Time Management Tips Every Student Should Know
As a college or university student, you know that managing your time can be difficult. With all of the tasks you have to complete, courses to attend, and friends to make time for, finding ways to fit everything into your schedule can be stress-inducing. Thus, valuable time management skills are necessary for avoiding the stress that comes from such a busy lifestyle. Plus, effectively managing your time can help you avoid the dreaded all-nighter. Luckily, it’s easy to learn time management tips that will help you take control of your busy life so you can enjoy the recreational activities and student housing Oshawa offers without stress. Here are practical time management tips every student should know.
Master Your Schedule
The first step in managing your time more effectively is becoming organized. One simple organization hack is to write out detailed schedule of all the things you have to do each day, including due dates, plans with friends, and courses. You can make your schedule for a week or month in advance, filling in new obligations as they arise. Also, make sure to include projects that may not be due for a couple days or even weeks. This will help you prioritize tasks and provide a structure to your daily life to stay on track and meet these deadlines head-on. Whether you’re using a planner or an app on your phone, make sure you can easily track your work. For instance, try using a different colour for each subject so that you can follow the schedule more easily. As the master of your schedule, you’ll not only be able to remind yourself of assignments that are due, but you’ll also have a record of all of your accomplishments you can reflect on to stay motivated throughout the school year.
Beware of Distractions
While distractions can pop up and stop you from completing your work, students are often guilty of procrastinating by creating their own distractions. Between social media, apps and games, and anything else that could become a distraction, it’s important to keep yourself focused on the tasks at hand. When it’s time to start working on your assignments, put your cell phone on silent or turn it off completely. On your computer, make sure to keep only web pages that you need open. Of course, taking a break from work every now and then can actually boost your overall productivity, but be sure to keep your phone time or other types of breaks within allotted time frames.
Work on Assignments Early
Some of your projects will be assigned to you weeks or even months in advance. If that’s the case, it’s best not to hold off on them until the last minute. Because you’ll have smaller assignments in between, you should start your larger assignments early so that you’re not forced to stay up late finishing a major task you could have had started weeks ago. If you have a large project assigned days, months, or weeks in advance, plan to spend some time on it each day until it is finished. Estimate how much time you think this project will take you in total, and round your answer up to give yourself extra time if needed. Next, divide that number by the number of days between now and the due date. Your answer is how much time you should spend on your project each day. Whether it’s 20 minutes or an hour, these smaller tasks will help you chip away at the larger project and keep you on schedule, thereby preventing last-minute panic.
Now’s the time to start brushing up on your time management skills in preparation for the school year ahead, and if you haven’t found housing, now’s also the time to book a tour of Village Suites Oshawa! Contact us today for more information.