5 Tips for Using Student Discounts to Save Money

Tips for Using Student Discounts to Save Money

You have many expenses as a student — both for essentials and for fun. This can make it difficult to stay within your budget, especially if you’re not working and you have limited spending money. A key way to save money is to take advantage of student discounts. Many businesses have discounts for students because they know it can be difficult to stretch your funds to the end of the month while you’re pursuing an education. Here are a few ways to take advantage of these savings.

1. Carry Student ID with You Everywhere

You never know when you’ll go somewhere that has discounts for students. Keep your student ID in your wallet and never leave home without it. You’ll likely find it entitles you to discounts in all sorts of stores, restaurants, and other businesses.

2. Ask About Discounts

Many businesses advertise that they have discounts for students, but others don’t. It’s important to ask to find out — and note that discounts can even apply when you’re taking advantage of another offer. In addition, never assume a business is too small: big-name brands and local businesses alike (especially those near campus) often have discounts for students.

3. Search for Online Retailers with Student Discounts

It’s even easier to find discounts when you shop online. Research what stores and brands have student discounts and turn to these first when there’s something you need to buy. It may be worth subscribing to their email newsletters, as there are certain times of year when stores have big sales.

Whenever you need to make a big purchase, though, make sure you shop around — including in stores that don’t have student discounts. The most important thing is to find the lowest prices.

4. Apply for an International Student Card

If you’ll be traveling over your breaks or taking a semester abroad, you can continue receiving discounts by applying for an international student card. Although many countries will accept the student ID from your university, some will require you to have a standard identification. The top choice is the International Student Identity Card (ISIC). You may be able to receive a free card through the students’ union at your university.

5. Find Free and Discounted Subscriptions

Before you sign up for any subscription, check if there’s a plan for students. Many subscription services have student accounts at discounted prices and some even give you a few months for free. This includes several of the biggest movie and music streaming services. It can sometimes be a hassle to prove you’re a student, but your savings make it worthwhile in the end.

Another way to save money is to find more affordable rooms for rent. Oshawa students can find a new home at 17Hundred. You’ll be living within walking distance of campus in a fully-furnished, all-inclusive apartment. Plus, our student housing gives you access to numerous common areas where you can work out, study, play, and socialize with other students. Apply now to stop wasting money on expensive housing.